Sitecore Moving From MyGet To Nuget For Public Feeds

Sitecore Moving From MyGet To Nuget For Public Feeds

It was a harrowing time for some Sitecore implementation projects that were performing a CI/CD deployment since 25th July 2023. The official package manager for Sitecore Public Feeds MyGet is facing a total outage and it had a huge impact on the applications dependent on it.

Which implementations/projects have the issue?

If you are using the Sitecore Public Nuget Feeds from MyGet, you may have this issue.

Additionally, this issue would pop up only when you perform the action to restore the Nuget packages. If your CI/CD pipeline or your build process has a step to Restore Nuget Packages (with MyGet as the package source), then it is an alarming situation and has to be resolved as soon as possible.

The Error Message:

NuGet Package restore failed for project ____: Unable to find version '___' of package '___'.
  C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\: Package '___' is not found on source 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\'. Unable to load the service index for source
  An error occurred while sending the request.
  The remote name could not be resolved: ''. Please see Error List window for detailed warnings and errors.

How long are the MyGet Feeds down:

The feeds have been down since 25th July 2023 and weren’t up until drafting this blog post on 27th July 2023. This outage now continues for more than 40 hours which is a very long period. You may check the live status of MyGet feeds using the following link: MyGet Feeds Current Status

Quick Actioning From Sitecore:

Sitecore has come to our quick rescue and has published the public feeds on Nuget org. You may use the latest Sitecore Official Public Feed URL as given below:

After adding this new package source to your solution or modifying the CI/CD Restore Nuget Package step to fetch the packages from the above URL, all the packages should be restored successfully.

Fig: Nuget it is

Kindly note that the packages for Sitecore Content Hub, Sitecore Experience Commerce (other than Sitecore XC 10.3), Content Hub, Sitecore PowerShell and Sitecore Installation Framework are not yet available (Uptil 27th July 2023). As SIF packages are also not available at Nuget, new Sitecore installations might also fail.

Keep checking the below article to see if the packages for the above products are available:

How to resolve this issue for Sitecore Experience Commerce and other products which do not have the new feeds available?

As a temporary fix, simply disable the step to Restore Nuget Packages in your CI/CD pipeline or the Build Operation whichever is applicable. If you have a build step that deletes all the packages before starting the process, you would have to disable it too.

Once the updated feeds are available for these products, you can edit the package sources and re-enable these steps.

Fig: The current scenario summed up

I am using the Sitecore Public MyGet Feeds but I don’t have a step in the CI/CD Pipeline or in the build process to restore the Packages. Should I worry?

You don’t have to worry immediately but you have to mandatorily update the source of your Sitecore Public Feeds before 1st December 2023 to avoid any disruptions. Sitecore is officially transitioning from MyGet to NuGet for the public feeds and the MyGet Sitecore Feeds will not be available beyond this date.

Fig: Act now and don’t wait for the deadline

To sum it up, Sitecore has been looking to move away from MyGet for the public feeds and this outage has prompted an early transition. This is a good move considering the reliability of NuGet over MyGet,

See you soon in another blog post.

Fig: Sleeping Peacefully

Further Reading:

About me:

Vivek Anandan Venugopalan

Hi! I’m a Sitecore Certified Advanced Developer from India with 8+ years of Experience working with Sitecore. I am an avid Railfan and love Cycling and Traveling. I also have a couple of travel blogs which can be checked by clicking on the first couple of links below.

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